
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Buster A. Boyd Straight Razor Shave Absinthe Parlour

The Absinthe Hair & Grooming Parlour
1549 South 1100 East Salt Lake City, Utah 84105

Buster is Trying out the Monsieur Charles razor with disposable Persona Brand blade.

The Absinthe Parlour uses Jack Black Men's Shaving products as well as premium Aftershave Lotion from Edwin Jagger.

The Face has been prepped with a light moisturizer and 2 hot towels. Jack Black Beard Lube is applied with an additional lather over the top for good measure. The shave is followed-up with a light toner mist and Aftershave lotion from Edwin Jagger.

Review of Razor: At first the razor blade itself seemed a bit "twitchy." Each new blade is so sharp and mechanically made that it is not as "buttery" as a real carbon steel blade of course. It didn't feel like it had a personality. But with just a few shaves, I really started to like this razor. The blades are not nearly as flimsy as most, so they have a great feel to them. What I like most about this razor of almost any other I've tried is that the blade part of the razor is significantly weighted. The added weight makes it feel much more confident when handled. Not to mention is looks very much like a real cutthroat blade.

The razor itself is very well made. It feels like it is going to last me a long time and many shaves. The blade when inserted feels very solid. There is no protection on the tip of the blade so you have to be very aware.

Overall: This is the razor I choose to use on my guests when I perform Traditional Shaves in the Parlour.

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